The Student Attendance Tracking System is a Progressive Web App (PWA) designed for Android POS devices to track late students. Developed as a freelance project for my high school, this system replaces the existing Excel-based process. User interviews and field tests were conducted with teachers and administrative staff, creating the best user experience with simplicity in mind.

  • When students arrive late, they simply tag their RFID card and get a late receipt from the device.
  • The system records arrival times, reasons for lateness, and stores everything neatly in a database.
  • School staff access the records via a web interface and export them to the School Administration and Management System (WebSAMS).
Awaiting for student cards to be tagged.
Confirmation screen with arrival time and late reason.
Manual input of student information if students forgot their card.

Web interface for school administration staff.

Technology Stack

Front-end: Vue.js, Bootstrap, WebNFC API
Back-end: PHP
Database: MySQL

I am the sole developer and worked across the above areas.