The Panorama Tour, a pioneering project, leveraged virtual reality technology when spherical cameras were still uncommon in 2013. Visitors could immerse themselves in a 360° interactive view of various school facilities, all at their fingertips.

Why settle for a mundane video tour?

Videos merely deliver information; they lack engagement. My innovative approach? I harnessed the motion sensors found in most smart devices to revolutionize how we explore spaces. Users could freely explore the venues by combining these sensors with panoramic views. It was a novel and challenging method under limited resources, but the results were worth the effort.

On New Comers Day, our website garnered over 300 views. Visitors were amazed by the behind-the-scenes magic, all carried out by a student. They particularly enjoyed using the motion-sensing feature to navigate the campus. The Panorama Tour not only showcased our school facilities but also unveiled the daring minds of the students.

The 360° Experience

Guided tours were offered by student helpers in the information center.
The landing page – Door to the Tour.

Behind the Scenes

Before New Comers Day, thousands of photos were captured. Each venue demanded around 150 shots.
Converting the images into an unbroken view of the venue. Automated processing took 30 minutes for each venue, followed by another 30 minutes of manual fine-tuning.